miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Arquera Silvana. Avatars of War

Hoy os dejo un nuevo encargo que acabo de terminar. Se trata de la Arquera Elfa Silvana de Avatars of Wars.

El diseño  y el concepto de esta figura me encantan, de hecho, de no haber tenido este encargo me la habría acabado pillando para mi mismo. Pero aquí si tengo que darle un tirón de orejas a la marca de Félix Paniagua (aunque esta escultura sea de Edgar Ramos), y es que el cast de esta figura es bastante bastante pésimo. Los muchísimos detalles están bastante desperfilados y la cara ha salido realmente mal del molde (El ecce hommo se me ha venido a la cabeza mas de una vez mientras la pintaba). Me imagino que es un modelo que se ha vendido mucho, y el molde se ha ido desgastando.

Por lo demás, un pintado muy "silvano" con tonos de verde y peana de microarts. Espero que al cliente le mole :D

Today, im showing one more comission i just finished. Its the Silvan Elf Archer from Avatars of War.

I must admit that i love the concept and desing of this mini. I would have bought it for myself if i wouldnt have got that comission. BUT, here i must show a complain to Felix Ramos´Brand (although this sculpt is from Edgar Ramos): The cast of the mini is quite horrible. The many little detail are poorly outlined and the face came out of the mold really wrongly. (The infamous Ecce Hommo came to my mind many times as i painted her face). I guess this model sold many many items, and the mold is slowly decaying.

For the rest, the painting is very "silvanic", with many green tones, and a Microarts base. I hope the customer will like it :)

Detalles de cara (uffffi) y la borla de la capa:
Details from the face (uufffff) and the cape´s decoration:

Y ahora, me toca irme de vacaciones unos días. Escocia, ahi voooooooy!!!!
Now, i go on holidays for few days!!! Scotland, there i goooo

2 comentarios:

  1. Great paint , really nice palette of colors , nice model .
    Greetings .

    1. Thanks Captain! The model is nice but the casting was horrible. And im just satisfied taking into consideration the amount of time i gave her :D



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